Do you think you need collagen?
The perils of "fast" food. Pitfalls to eating out.
Autism, PANDAS, PANS, ToxinsJessica Galliganichronic, disease, autism, PANDAS, ADHD, health, food, avoidance, allergies, gluten, dairy, toxins
Mold testing - why the details matter
Jessica Galliganimold, mycotoxins, biotoxin illness, toxicity, testing, ERMI, EMMA, petri dish, PANS, PANDAS, autism, MCAS, MCAD, autoimmune
The love-hate relationship with multivitamins
Good vibrations - get your healing on!
Autism, Discovery, Emotional intelligence, Epigenetics, Homeopathy, Lyme Disease, Mold, PANDAS, PANS, Parasites, ToxinsJessica Galliganibiofeedback, radionics, energy healing, autism, ADHD, PANDAS, PANS
Got Candida?
Autism, Discovery, Epigenetics, Lyme Disease, Mold, PANDAS, PANS, Parasites, ToxinsJessica Galliganicandida, yeast, albicans, autism, PANDAS, PANS, ADHD, autoimmune disease, heavy metals, toxicity, mold, lyme disease, gut health, mast cell activation syndrome
Rest and digest OR fight or flight
Discovery, Autism, Lyme Disease, Mold, PANDAS, ParasitesJessica Galliganiautoimmunity, autism, PANS, PANDAS, mold, dietary interventions, rest and digest, fight or flight, healing, recovery
PANDAS, Parasites and Problems
PANDAS, Epigenetics, ParasitesJessica GalliganiPANDAS, parasites, autism, pans, beliefs, health, full moon, epigenetics, healing