Healing chronic illness naturally
Autism, PANDAS, SPD, ODD and more
Our journey began with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Autism (PDD-NOS) and PANDAS (Pediatric Auto-Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus infections) when our first born was consecutively diagnosed with these conditions. Having always intuitively trusted in the innate healing potential of the human body, I wasn’t prepared to accept this fate without a fight. I knew deep down inside that something caused his body to fall out of sync with nature and that it meant it could also be reversed. To say I was determined would be an understatement.
Years later our younger son, although not on the spectrum, began to show signs of ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) and MCAD (Mast Cell Activation Disorder) at the young age of just one year old. Having been a sweet and easy-going baby, this drastic shift in his behavior was troubling and precipitated a new perspective in healing. An investigation into mold in our home became the primary focal point for literally years of our journey. I’ve come to know the mold industry inside and out, without exaggeration. We also learned that significant reduction in EMF exposure, as well as addressing other environmental injuries, was essential to the management of our family’s health.
Our family jumped on the bandwagon with our boys, and we are all healthier (and aging slower) because of it. We learned not too far into our healing journey that the apple never falls too far from the tree. 😉 As a health coach and homeopath, this is a trend I also see amongst families, even if it’s subtle and unrecognized.
The healing path we chose was one of holistic support for the body so that the immune system could regulate itself and bring the body back to homeostasis. The things I learned while navigating this course of healing over the past decade can benefit everyone and anyone with a chronic illness. It’s that culmination of research and a passionate desire to help people with what I’ve learned, that brings us together today. Welcome to our humble little healing niche. ✌️
How can this website help you?
My website is a collection of all of the information I’ve gathered throughout the years of our journey. I have been heavily researching and experimenting with how to achieve true health for over a decade, and I am now able to bring all of this together here for you. It may feel overwhelming at first, because there is a lot of information woven within the rabbit hole of healing. Don’t worry about how much there is to learn, instead, focus on your gut feeling as you scroll through the various subjects available on these pages.
Below, you will find three primary categories of focus, "For the Body,” “For the Home,” and “For the Planet.” Within these headings are subcategories that will guide you through products and information accordingly, preparing you with the information needed to counteract damage done by a toxic world. The worst of chronic illnesses have proven to be reversible, or at least halted, when the right combination of therapies and treatments are discovered.
Healing takes time and patience, but your perseverance will pay off. Just trust your gut, and always follow your intuition when it comes to the things that jump out at you. It’s likely that these are the things that need your attention most, in this very moment. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, instead, make a commitment to change whatever you think needs attention first, and then you can methodically work through each additional issue, in manageable chunks. Recovery is like peeling the layers of an onion, as you shed each layer beneath the surface, you will find new and revealing information to guide your next step. Stay present and focused, trusting that whatever you need to know is staring at you right now.
Revisit this website frequently so you can revise your plan as your needs change. I will regularly be adding and changing material as I personally research and learn more on my own path, so stay tuned and please keep in touch!
NOTE - If you would like to search this site for any particular keywords, just type /search at the end of my domain name in the address bar above. Or you can click on this link - askhealthyjess.com/search
There are Amazon and other affiliate links woven throughout the website. Creating the free content on this website was an intense labor of love, so the affiliate connections create the exchange needed to put this together for you. 💕
The FB group - #HMS Lifestyle
Healing Made Simple with Lifestyle Changes for Chronic Conditions, nicknamed HMS Lifestyle for short is my coached community in Facebook.
As a homeopath and Health Coach, I've increasingly felt pulled to reach more people due to a growing need for guidance with heathy living as a means of improving chronic health conditions. In response to this calling, I created this website and HMS Lifestyle.
At HMS Lifestyle you will be welcome with open arms into our loving holistic community, where you will begin building bridges between hope and action, between chronic dis-ease and healing. With the guidance you receive there, you will learn to become your own health detective, healer and advocate.
Education is paramount to building your holistic lifestyle habits. You will receive "Your Living Journal" as a tool to navigate this journey more smoothly. In conjunction with Your Living Journal, I will be available as a mentor leading you through the steps that you intuitively feel guided to explore.
For $17.99 per month ($24.99 for the first month), you will receive your own living journal offering step by step, interactive guidance that works in conjunction with my website. I will personally be available to guide you on this path. This warm and welcoming community will learn and share together as we customize each person’s individual path to wellness.
Our book
I say “our” book because although I wrote the words in it, the whole thing is a beautiful culmination of the experiences our entire family lived from the very moment I laid eyes on our first born. You will walk with me as I relive the light and shadows of parenting a child with special needs, from the first troubling symptom, straight through to recovery, our recovery. It’s a story of love, dedication and passion. You may relate to moments or even our entire journey, or you may be reading out of curiosity to learn more about the lives of those with the strength to pull through the trenches of saving two young children from the jaws of chronic disease. Either way, I hope you glean something from the lessons we’ve learned along the way.
There is a large resource guide in the book, with more detailed information than you will find on this website. The website is a place-mark for the ever-changing and growing resources and links that have the potential to influence our health. Not everything can be referred to in a link so for more detail on some of these subjects, you’ll just have to read the book. 😘
My purpose in writing an Autism and PANDAS memoir and resource guide, as well as developing this website, is to bring hope to families who are feeling hopeless in the vast sea of contradicting information. I intend to tap into what you already know is possible. By doing so, you will begin to build bridges between hope and achievement, intuition and trust, and ideas and action in order to uncover YOUR personalized healing path.
Recommended Reading
Head on over to this page for inspiration. When you are in the midst of learning a new lifestyle, finding mentors in real life and in books will have you well on your way to new healthy habits.
The Blog
Don’t forget to visit the blog regularly! Entries short and long will expand on the subjects within this website, only with more detail. See what I have to say next and please feel free to reach out to me, if you’d like to see more on a particular subject.
Do something different today if you want a different tomorrow
who do you want to be today?
Healing Resources
For the Body
Find links for everything from dietary interventions to probiotics. If it’s taken internally or put on the skin topically, you will find the link here.
For the Home
Our home is our safety, or at least, it’s supposed to be! The links in this category will help you improve the health of your home.
For the Planet
How can we influence the health of ourselves and those around us if we don’t consider the impact we have on our planet, as well as the impact the planet has on us. Learn more ways to make a greater impact here.
The information provided by Jessica Galligani does not diagnose, prevent, treat or cure illness or disease. Your medical doctor diagnoses and treats medical problems. The information you will receive does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine. If you have medical questions and/or emergencies, you should consult your qualified health provider for medical assistance and/or seek treatment at your nearest emergency facility. Any information provided by Jessica Galligani does not take the place of routine medical care and evaluation by your primary care physician. All information provided is intended for general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.