EMF Meters



This is most affordable and highly recommended RF(radio frequency) meter used by homeowners. It measures electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, base stations, most TV towers & more. There is a sound feature that actually helps you identify the source of the radiation, but would require working with a building biologist who is familiar with the sounds or finding a download online to become familiar with differentiation. It is extra sensitive: measures from <1-10,000uW/m2. Wide frequency range: 200MHz - 8GHz.

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Trifield TF2

The newest TriField meter has been improved to include both weighted and standard readings. This is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit, that combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). In addition to standard AC measurement modes, a special frequency weighted mode will properly scale the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body. (If only powerline frequency is present, Standard and Weighted will read the same. If higher frequencies are present, Weighted reads higher).

My building biologist told me not to rely on this meter for RF frequencies, so I have the Accousticom 2 (above) as well.


Body Voltage Meter

With a body voltage meter, you can actually measure the effects EMF has on your body and you can test this at various locations. It’s important to know what your body voltage is while you are sleeping for example, or maybe you want to know what your body voltage is at your desk with all of your electrical devices surrounding you so you can make some changes. If you want to use an EMF canopy, it’s also important to check body voltage on ungrounded canopies which shouldn’t be used unless body voltage is below .18mV.

An external field will induce an electric field within our bodies. In this sense, our bodies act as antennas picking up fields from electric blankets, alarm clocks, powerlines, and just about everything connected to a source of electric power. 

Delicate biological cellular processes (like brain function and heart muscle contraction) operate on the scale of microVolts to milliVolts. Body Voltage can exceed several Volts in some cases. A safe(r) reading (especially during sleep) is below 1mV, yet our older son’s body voltage while laying on his bed was over 5mV!! By making changes to a few things, we were able to reduce that significantly, although in order to ensure a sleeping environment below 1mV we have to turn off the breaker to his room at night. The Body Voltage meter allowed us to test various combinations of breaker usage to benefit everyone in the house.

**Please be aware that turning off a breaker to a room does NOT always result in lowered body voltage so testing is essential to get the most out of this method of reducing EMF.

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Safe and sound Pro II RF meter

This meter is the ultimate, if you want to capture some frequencies in the 5G range!

The Safe and Sound Pro II enables you to pick up 5G cellular if between (200MHz - 12GHz) while the Accousticom 2 reads up to 8GHz. 5G has an enormous range capability, but it’s been speculated that most cities will be tuned in to frequencies in the mid-band range. This Wikipedia page explains the frequencies a little bit.

There are much higher frequency bandwidths that may be utilized at some point which would require a very high level meter for testing, also costing much more than these meters. According two Wikipedia, high-band 5G uses frequencies of 25 - 39 GHz, to achieve download speeds of 1 - 3(Gbit/s), comparable to cable internet. However millimeter waves (mmWave or mmW) only have a range of about 1 mile (1.6 km), requiring many small cells, and have trouble passing through some types of building walls. Due to their higher costs, current plans are to deploy these cells only in dense urban environments, and areas where crowds of people congregate such as sports stadiums and convention centers. I don’t know about you, but it makes me want to avoid these locations at all costs!

The Safe and Sound Pro II can be used for multiple testing applications.


  • Quickly determine RF present in your environment within 200 MHz and 12 GHz

  • Some of the more common sources the meter can detect:

  • Cell towers

  • Cell phone emissions

  • Cordless home phones

  • Wireless routers (both 2.4 and 5 GHz)

  • Bluetooth devices

  • Smart meter emissions

  • Baby monitors

  • Airport radar

  • Microwave oven leakage detection

The Safe and Sound Pro II (2) RF Meter by Safe Living Technologies (SLT-1440) is designed by EMF professionals with many years of experience.

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Dirty Electricity meter - Greenwave

DE is dirty electricity (also known as electrical line noise), which appears to be less understood, but is equally as concerning as the rest of the electrical exposures listed above. DE is created by many electronics, appliances, energy-efficient lights, and other devices that run on electricity. The more devices plugged in, the higher the DE becomes in a home. It was only discovered to be a health problem in 1997 or 98 and is measured in milliVolts (mV) or microamps. The goal is to reduce dirty electricity in building wiring to 100mV or lower, where electrical hypersensitive people do best.

Greenwave’s Broadband EMI Meter is a revolutionary device for measuring the level of dirty electricity (a.k.a. electrical noise, line noise, power line EMI) present on the electrical wiring in buildings. The meter is easy to use. Simply plug it into electrical outlets to find out how much dirty electricity (EMI) is present on nearby wiring. Measurements are presented in millivolts (mV) -- an internationally accepted, standardized electrical unit of measure. The meter makes it easy to see and hear the difference dirty electricity filters make in reducing the electrical noise on wiring. “BEFORE filter” and “AFTER filter” readings are shown on the same screen simultaneously, making comparisons easy. The meter includes a special audio feature that allows you to listen to the dirty electricity on your wiring and to hear it decrease as filters are installed. According to Greenwave, ideally levels should be below 25 mV in all rooms within your environment. Levels above 50 mV are undesirable and should be reduced. Our building biologist told us to shoot for lower than 100mV, but obviously, if you can get it lower, even better!

There are a handful of different DE reducing filters on the market, although some of the more common brands aren’t actually recommended by electrical engineers who are also Building Biologists. The technology differs between capacitative filters and non-capacitative line conditioners. Most of the capacitative filters create a sort of a dam, where the power load sits, trying to get through the dam, and it can require a bit of effort to reroute the line noise, thereby resulting in added reactive frequencies to the power lines and indirectly causing an increasing magnetic field. Since filters require that they carry the power they are filtering, it would be best to use a device that captures and dissipates the dirty electricity rather than trying to harness it. The results of this type of device enables a broad range of frequency conditioning without adding anything to the wires. I recommend Satic dirty electricity filters which require that one be plugged in for each
