EMF Meters
This is most affordable and highly recommended RF(radio frequency) meter used by homeowners. It measures electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, base stations, most TV towers & more. There is a sound feature that actually helps you identify the source of the radiation, but would require working with a building biologist who is familiar with the sounds or finding a download online to become familiar with differentiation. It is extra sensitive: measures from <1-10,000uW/m2. Wide frequency range: 200MHz - 8GHz.
Trifield TF2
The newest TriField meter has been improved to include both weighted and standard readings. This is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit, that combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). In addition to standard AC measurement modes, a special frequency weighted mode will properly scale the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body. (If only powerline frequency is present, Standard and Weighted will read the same. If higher frequencies are present, Weighted reads higher).
My building biologist told me not to rely on this meter for RF frequencies, so I have the Accousticom 2 (above) as well.
Body Voltage Meter
With a body voltage meter, you can actually measure the effects EMF has on your body and you can test this at various locations. It’s important to know what your body voltage is while you are sleeping for example, or maybe you want to know what your body voltage is at your desk with all of your electrical devices surrounding you so you can make some changes. If you want to use an EMF canopy, it’s also important to check body voltage on ungrounded canopies which shouldn’t be used unless body voltage is below .18mV.
An external field will induce an electric field within our bodies. In this sense, our bodies act as antennas picking up fields from electric blankets, alarm clocks, powerlines, and just about everything connected to a source of electric power.
Delicate biological cellular processes (like brain function and heart muscle contraction) operate on the scale of microVolts to milliVolts. Body Voltage can exceed several Volts in some cases. A safe(r) reading (especially during sleep) is below 1mV, yet our older son’s body voltage while laying on his bed was over 5mV!! By making changes to a few things, we were able to reduce that significantly, although in order to ensure a sleeping environment below 1mV we have to turn off the breaker to his room at night. The Body Voltage meter allowed us to test various combinations of breaker usage to benefit everyone in the house.
**Please be aware that turning off a breaker to a room does NOT always result in lowered body voltage so testing is essential to get the most out of this method of reducing EMF.