Successful holistic therapies for CoVID
Immune system support has never been more important than now!
Let's help reduce fear and hospital visits by sharing this information widely! If more people are prepared to respond to an illness at home, less will need hospitals. We can change the narrative by educating the masses. Let's start here by showing people how successful holistic protocols to strengthen the immune system are!!
Links (blue lettering) for most products below will help you locate trusted brands, and reduce the questions I am getting about favorite products.
Dr. Brownstein’s patient treatment record during early CoVID
With the reopening of the Nation on the horizon, now is the time to stock up on the supplies you will want to use for protection and at home treatment options. Many holistic therapies have proven incredibly successful according to multiple doctors who have had 100% success rates treating their patients, some even returning to health after being in critical condition. See the video below for an interview with Doctors Brownstein and Ng, who have had zero hospitalized patients. The key is to strengthen the immune system so it is more capable of warding off viruses. For “long-haulers” protocol, scroll down past the recommendations below. Please stay with me here, this is a long blog entry, because I have continued to update the recommendations as we learn more.
UPDATE JAN 2022 - I know this blog was originally created with only natural treatments in mind, but after almost 2 years of research into the doctors seeing the most progress, I am adding to my advise accordingly. Although this highlights medications that are taking the spotlight, I will also still make recommendations for alternatives, but keep in mind that when we are dealing with an at-risk person or someone who is deteriorating rapidly, the products with the proven track record at this point are medications. So I recommend always being prepared up front with the medications, even if you plan to use natural products as a first line of defense, because when this illness takes a turn for the worse (which is unpredictable) you won’t have the time to source the things you need easily.
Another thought process I have here is that the links I am going to share directly below, regarding the most effective treatment I’ve witnessed so far, may even offer you an option for treatment at hospitals. Treatment in hospitals varies across the nation, but the items in Dr. Chetty’s protocol are commonly used in hospital settings and may just be the answer to getting successful treatment at a hospital, if you can be vocal and stay on top of them for dosing. It’s important to note that dosing is important, you can’t just add the drugs at low doses and walk away, it’s imperative to use what is recommended, and increase if progress isn’t occurring quickly (according to Dr. Chetty himself) so that means being intimately involved with the staff at the hospital and staying on top of them (and maybe even being really persistent by going up the chain of command all the way to the president) and their dosing.
So with that said, the links directly below this paragraph are the protocols I am referring to. The interview explains the why of it all and how we have a great misdiagnosis at hand. This is not actually a form of pneumonia at all, it’s a mast cell degranulation - aka - allergic reaction!! I will also share a post I made on FB, which went viral, and by following many of the discussions, I have witnessed dozens of comments confirming that this holds true for them and their loved ones, as well. So doctors AND patients are confirming this data. In my opinion, the best possible scenario is where you can use both Ivermectin and this protocol, as long as the meds chosen are verified as not interacting with each other, first. In the event that a hospital won’t touch ivermectin though, this could be the answer to a positive outcome! It’s important to note also that this treatment, with over 8000 patients to date, has resulted in zero hospitalizations, deaths, complications and long haul CoVID!!
Dr. Shankara Chetty’s interview - don’t skip this, it’s really important information about why this protocol works!
Dr. Chetty, and others, have added Singulair to their protocols, because of it’s anti-inflammatory action, specifically on the lungs. It’s used frequently with asthmatics for this reason. We personally saw massive improvement in my mother in law’s condition when we added in Singulair. See this study about adding it into the treatment protocol for CoVID.
Natural mast cell stabilizers article by the Hoffman Centre for Integrative and Functional Medicine
My post on FB from January 10th, 2022:
The great misdiagnosis!!C o V I D pneumonia is actually mast cell degranulation of the lungs!! Put simply, it's an allergic reaction occurring after the viral phase ends, most likely related to the free spike protein particles circulating in the body. The reason you can't tell it's an allergic reaction is because it's happening in the lungs, so you experience only symptoms of chest tightness and fatigue!
Dr. Shankara Chetty of South Africa has closely monitored and treated over 8000 patients personally. He noticed there was something very different about viral pneumonia in comparison to C-V pneumonia and was determined to figure out what the mechanism of treatment should be. He had all of his patients come in as soon as they expressed any symptoms, he followed the progression of everyone's disease pattern and noticed something very interesting which resulted in his findings.
Every person progressed the same for the first 5 days, all of them, even those who eventually went on to worsen, appeared to improve around that 5th to 6th day. But from that day forward, there were two distinct group would always go on to improve after that initial period, but the other group would suddenly worsen on day 8. Not day 7 or 9, always day 8, and they would be fine day 7, while going on to develop what we've come to recognize as C-V pneumonia. But it's not pneumonia at all!
Dr. Chetty knew the pattern of expression for pneumonia of all kinds and this C-V "pneumonia" wasn't behaving like any other form of pneumonia. In fact, the flow of oxygen wasn't restricted at all, like in pneumonia. Patients were showing a restriction to lung expansion, but not air flow and it was coming on rapidly, unlike pneumonia. The lung itself was inflamed and couldn't expand.
It was then that he recognized the similarity this condition had with an allergic reaction. The second an allergic reaction happens, inflammation creates instant symptoms. In peanut allergies for example, you eat a peanut and your face swells up. Pneumonia is progressive, not instant like this.
As it turns out, this illness is biphasic, meaning there could potentially be two phases of illness and it's the second phase where mortality and morbidity occur.
He had a critically ill patient, who had diabetes, hypertension and her oxygen saturation was in the 80's, both pre-existing conditions are co-morbidities of C-V. He treated her with a high dose steroid and added in an antihistamine.
When he called to check on her the next day, her oxygen levels were normal and she progressed on to full health.
It's important to note here too that none of his patients have experienced complications of C o V I D or long haulers. He has since begun working with long hauler's cases though and even in their testing, he is discovering that it's related to mast cell degranulation - aka - histamine!! I will share his interview in the comments below. I highly recommend listening to this, he describes his entire experience in discovery with this illness. He may be the ONLY doctor tracking this illness so closely. Although, I have noticed that the I-MASK protocols have been altered to include Singulair, which looking back, is a part of treatment that I added into my mother in law's protocol later in the progression of her lung symptoms and her oxygen seemed to stabilize, not requiring additional dosing of IVM or Budeconide! We weren't using it from day one, so in hindsight now, I can correlate the timeline of her treatment. The only thing I would mention is that the I-MASK protocols don't tell you WHEN this intervention is likely to be needed.
The following list (based on scientific data from various sources) will have you well on your way to home care:
The Dr. Zelenko protocol is tried and true. His protocol has successfully treated thousands worldwide. He offers low and high risk protocols you can choose from. For a combination of zinc, quercetin, and propolis, I love the Quicksilver liposomal Immune Charge+ throat spray. It’s so easy to use with kids and it tastes like mint. Three sprays is a dose. It’s great for prevention, and early sickness, but because the product dose is so low, I would add in their Immune Charge+ zinc ionaphore during active illness. It address the zinc ionaphore needs with one product.
According to Dr. Klinghardt PEPCID AC is highly effective against CoVID…as in, within four hours! He recommends 80mg every 12 hours for up to five days. How does this work? The virus needs an acidic environment. When you alkalize it you can no longer replicate. But you will have to follow up with his regular protocol below to keep the virus at bay. This alone is not enough. It appears from more recent research though, that another reason Pepcid is so helpful in conjunction with other therapies during CoVID is because it is also an H2 blocker and according to Dr. Shankara Chetty of South Africa, “CoVID pneumonia” is actually not pneumonia at all, it is the result of mast cell degranulation - aka - an allergic reaction! I highly recommend his interview, to learn more about the details of his investigation into the actual mechanism of CoVID. This could explain why so many patients did horribly on ventilators early on, because there is no reduction in lung air flow, but the lungs do experience restricted capacity due to rigidity from inflammation. They lack flexibility due to the allergic reaction occurring within the lungs. This is a GREAT article about OTC, prescription and natural mast cell stabilizers. If you have long Haul CoVID, it’s likely that a prolonged allergic response has begun. Consider reducing histamine in your diet and using some mast cell stabilizers from the article above.
NAC - Thanks to government control, it is now harder to find NAC, but I would highly recommend finding a resource and stocking up on a few bottles. “NAC has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating characteristics that may prove beneficial in the treatment and prevention of SARS-Cov-2, according to this study. Additionally, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione, has been used to loosen thick mucus in the lungs for decades. However, NAC can also boost the immune system, suppress viral replication, and reduce inflammation.”
VITAMIN D3 SUPPORTED BY K2 - Typically 2-3000 iu daily is sufficient for maintenance, unless you are low in vitamin D. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt recommends 6-10,000 iu preventatively during the CoVID outbreak (and I would consider this a temporary response to illness). During active infection, you may want to take significantly higher doses for two days. Dr. Fitt’s viral dosing guidelines suggest taking 50-100,000 iu of vitamin D for two days which will boost cathelicidin levels and abort viral infections. If you haven't been tested in a while, you should seriously consider testing yourself now with an at home simple finger prick test. See study - Vitamin D levels appear to to play role in CoVID mortality rates. There are many more studies of this kind, just do a search and you will find numerous recent studies on this subject. I’d like to balance this advise by also presenting a less understood concept regarding vitamin D and that is how supplemental vitamin D (which is the storage versus the active form) suppresses T-cell immunological memory, which during a cytokine storm may be the right choice, but on a long term, daily basis, may actually increase pathogen load due to an inability for the body to create immunological memory to future microbes/pathogen. If D stores are very low, this is an indication of chronic illness and may be related to magnesium deficiency. So if you find yourself to always be severely low in vitamin D testing (under 20), magnesium may actually be the culprit and chronic illness is probably at the root of that deficiency, because the body actually reduces our D levels to encourage t-cell memory. Hope that didn’t muddy the waters on vitamin D too much, but we always need to consider our body’s checks and balances in every supplement we consider using. Toxicologist, Ashley Everly, has some great information about the inevitable suppression of the immune system with supplemental vitamin D.
B6 - This study suggests that B6 can suppress the severity of CoVID infections. B6 improves the immune response, causing increased antibody production, and enhances communicative interactions between cytokines and chemokines. From this article, “B6 is a known anti-thrombosis and anti-inflammation nutrient and Kumrungsee believes it may help dampen the cytokine storm phenomenon (hyper inflammation), including blood clotting, that’s been linked to COVID-19’s lethality.” The B vitamins in general, are very important, especially flush niacin, which is also part of the long hauler’s protocol below. Dr. Dimitry Katz, PhD has a protocol that can be used for illness, long hauler’s and even the effects from having the injection!
VITAMIN A - standard weekly dosing preventatively and MUCH higher doses for two days during viral illness. Dr. Kitt’s viral dosing guidelines suggest using 400,000 iu for two days during active infection will abort infections by preventing viruses from entering into new cells. I’ve heard other doctors say anywhere from 200-400,000 iu.
ZINC - 30-50mg daily, supported by zinc 12X cell salt to transport zinc intracellularly. The reason Hydroxylchloriquine works so well combined with zinc, is because it is an ionophore of zinc, meaning it helps zinc cross the cell membrane so that it can enter the cell where viruses replicate. Hinoki essential oil used topically is also reported to be an ionophore of zinc according to Dr. Klinghardt, as well as green tea. Quercitin is also a zinc ionaphore. An ionaphore should be taken at the same time as the zinc so they can work hand in hand. They are safe and beneficial for the immune system regardless of your viral status.
PROBIOTICS - 80% of the immune system is in the gut. 50% of our transmitters are made in the gut. Beneficial bacteria are responsible for producing B vitamins, folate and vitamin K as well as controlling many other functions throughout the body. The reason many doctors are using a combination of hydroxylchloriquine, zinc and the Z-pack antibiotic successfully may be because of the involvement of a pathogenic bacteria called Prevotella. Prevotella is common in obesity, increases with age and is rarely seen in the microbiota of children.
MELATONIN - Also see Dr. Katz’ protocol below under “Long Haul CoVID”) - According to Dr. Doris Loh - 1/2 to 3mg one hour before bed preventatively and 50mg before bed during viral illness. Increase preventative dose slowly and use a binder if there are symptoms of detox. See study - Melatonin inhibits CoVID cytokine storms.
This is Dr. Klinghardt's advice on high dose (ie - 50mg) melatonin:DAYTIME – 40% of total daily dose, divided into small equal portions to be taken every TWO HOURS (orally). Liposomal melatonin is best absorbed 1-2 squirts every 2 hours. If you use melatonin transdermal cream, the absorption and serum levels even out for many hours.
NIGHTTIME – 60% of total daily dose, divided into two portions taken 2-3 hours after dinner. The final dose at night should be completed by 10 pm at the latest.
IODINE AND SELENIUM - start with one drop of Lugol's iodine and increase slowly due to detox potential. Selenium is lethal to viruses. It is essential to support iodine intake with selenium according to Dr. Brownstein who specializes in disorders associated with iodine deficiencies. There was a link identified between dietary selenium and the outcome of CoVID cases. If you are taking the Now Foods NAC linked above, notice that it contains a small amount of selenium (25 mcg). 200 mcg is a typical adult daily dose. I have noticed an increased relationship between CoVID and continued excessive hair loss. Selenium is involved in the conversion of thyroid hormones (T4 to T3) and a deficiency can cause hair loss, as well as encouraging thyroid hormone to back up, resulting in an elevated Reverse T3 marker. When Reverse T3 is elevated, your body will tell the thyroid/parathyroid to stop producing thyroid hormone - aka - hypothyroidism.
LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C if tolerated - people with possible oxalate problems should avoid vitamin C, which I even confirmed with Dr. Klinghardt. According to researcher, Susan Owens, oxalate in the lungs may increase changes of lung involvement during infection. If you do not have a problem with oxalate, take a minimum of 2000 mg Vit C, divided into 2 doses per day. During active infection use these high dose Vitamin C guidelines from Dr. Klinghardt:
If you are older or more at risk for health reasons, your maintenance dose should be one gram per hour
if you think you are infected up to a total of 10-18 grams per day, depending on your tolerance level. Tolerance level is when you start to develop loose stools.
Ascorbic Acid Infection Dosage:
1 gram every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on severity of symptoms.
Increase to 2 grams every 15 to 30 minutes if symptoms are not reversed within 12-24 hours.
If you are infected, you will essentially have an ‘unlimited’ tolerance for ascorbic acid. Your tolerance may increase above 100 grams or more. That is normal.
You can increase the biological efficiency by adding in ½ tsp of Rosehip powder with most vit doses in severe cases
If available, use intravenous Vit.C (7.5 grams – 50 grams/day) on 3 consecutive days.
3% (H2O2) FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE - I personally use 3 DROPS in about 35 drops of distilled or purified water in a nebulizer. This is more effective than the HOCl for deeper chest involvement and according to the EPA website, it works twice as fast as Hypochlorous acid. See the image below from the EPA website. This article explains how to nebulize H2O2. Dr. Thomas Levy actually advises more concentrated nebulizing for hypoxic situations, because the H2O2 oxygenates the blood. He has recommended straight 3% H2O2 for severe cases, but recognizes that it could be irritating for some people, so diluting with saline for comfort is certainly fine. for a more serious case though, he feels it might be worth the irritation during a few sessions of nebulizing. He witnessed the recovery of 20 cases of severe CoVID where the people had dropping oxygen levels, without the use of any other treatments! His book, “Rapid Virus Recovery, No Need to Live in Fear” explains that longer term use of nebulizing H2O2 has the ability to heal leaky gut and improve the microbiome. It only activates in the body where there is an infection, acidity, the presence of iron and other transition metals and it turns on becoming an anti-pathogen. Think about it, what could be better for a sick and hypoxic body…H2O = water aka hydration, and O2 = oxygen.
** I like to add one or two drops of iodine into my nebulizing treatments with either HOCl or hydrogen peroxide. It addresses secondary lung infections some doctors are seeing in their CoVID patients. It’s also very good for mold.
IMPORTANT - Those with Down syndrome should not use hydrogen peroxide. Those with Down Syndrome have trouble converting the hydrogen peroxide made by their bodies, resulting in an abundance of this compound. You do not want to add fuel to the fire.
NEBULIZER/ATOMIZER - It's priceless with this illness, as well as all others. Nebulizing is a form of transdermal application and it disperses the product into the bloodstream via the lungs. Works very fast and effectively!!
HOMEOPATHIC HOME CARE KIT - a decent 200C acute care kit is available at "Homeopathic Remedies Online". This is a priceless home care kit to own and has many of the remedies recommended during acute viral infections!! A couple of great remedies to have on hand are: Arsenicum, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla, Phosphorous and Antimonium Tart, among others. If you don’t have a kit, and someone gets sick in your household, you can make your own remedy at home with these instructions!!
BEE PROPOLIS SPRAY OR TINCTURE - swish or spray regularly around the tonsils. Bee propolis is a potent antiviral. Can be used alternatively with HOCl spray/nebulizing mentioned below.
ANDROGRAPHIS - calms cytokine storms according to Dr. Klinghardt.
HOCl (hypochlorous acid) - spray and/or nebulize all over body, eyes, ears, nose, in mouth and on clothing, things, hands, steering wheel, keys, cell phone, etc. especially if you have to go out and interact with people. It is safe for mucus membranes, because it is made by human white blood cells to fight infection. It was used in South Korea for medical staff's "clean rooms", they would get sprayed, over clothing and all. It's also reported on the EPA website for coronavirus. See the image posted below from the EPA website.
Use multiple times a day preventatively and even more frequently during early illness. We have used HOCl with one drop of iodine in our nebulizer to reverse sore throats and chest tightness symptoms multiple times. Use either the SOS which is diluted with saline and easier on the gums or dilute the skin spray 25-50% or more with purified or distilled water. Nebulizing can even be done while driving to work or on a bus. Doing it around other people will protect you in the moment. You can have an atomizer in the pocket in case people cough or sneeze around you. Spray your hands, face, eyes, mouth, then follow with inhaler as a security blanket.
There are several hypochlorous acid generators that you can purchase for home use. I don’t have experience with any of these so I am not recommending one brand over another. It’s a worthy product to consider having in your home though.
With the first signs of illness (fever, sore throat, unwellness) Dr. Klinghardt recommends:Use propolis tincture (gargle and swish)
Propolis stimulates anti-viral immunity in mucous membranes
Alternating with HOCl spray (must be the stabilized form) frequently onto the sore throat area.
Also spray HOCl in the eyes and nose hourly or more often. Continue the Propolis and stabilized HOCl spray as much as circumstances allow plus add the other treatment suggestions.
Zyme Away enzymes - enzymes have the uncanny ability to break down proteins like bacteria and mold, as well as viruses!! For another on the go hand sanitizer option or something to spray your face masks with, you can use Zyme Away. I would also recommend cleaning the surfaces in your home like doorknobs, remote controls, countertops, floors, wipe the steering wheel in your car, spray your garbage cans if they have organic matter in them to reduce odors, clean your cell phones and anything else you touch frequently with this product! Check out their website for many other possible uses uses. I would even recommend fogging your home with it during flu/CoVID season! I would also suggest washing your cloth facemarks with this product.
Boluoke (Lumbrokinase) enzymes - The same theory as above, works for the body. Lumbrokinase enzymes promote healthy coagulation by it’s ability to break down excess fibrin and they also support the body’s anti-biofilm process which allows the body to reach previously untouchable colonies of microbes right where they hide, in protective biofilm. Boluoke is the recommended brand by Dr. Klinghardt, due to the high enzyme count (300,000 units) and because it is the only fully researched oral fibrinolytic supplement on the market. Besides having in vitro studies, animal studies, toxicity studies, and pharmacokinetic studies done, Boluoke® has also been put through all phases of clinical trials (including randomized double blind controlled studies). If you just can’t afford Boluoke though, I am of the mind set that some enzymes are better than none. If you don’t mind fillers like maltodextrin, this brand is much cheaper with a high enzyme unit count.
PULSE OXIMETER - One of the Hallmark signs of CoVID-19 is a reduction in blood oxygen levels. Oddly, low oxygen saturation isn’t always paired with breathing difficulty so this could go undetected without an oximeter handy. Since the lungs continue to inflate during low oxygen conditions, the lungs will generally still feel ok. A simple fingertip pulse oximeter will enable you to monitor your oxygen levels at home so you have more information about your condition. A normal blood oxygen level is at least 95%. If oxygen levels begin to drop, use a systemic enzyme on an empty stomach, three times a day, to break up fibrin that could be contributing. Lumbrokinase and protease enzymes are good enzymes for the job.
CASTOR OIL PACK - You use castor oil on a piece of organic flannel with a hot water bottle over the liver/intestines - increases white blood count for 24 hours!
This virus is heat-sensitive so either a sauna or hyperthermia baths may be helpful (as long as you don’t already have a fever). Drink a lot of water and replenish electrolytes! If you live in an area where the weather is conducive to going outside, GO OUT!! I am hearing from people in countries like Puerto Rico where laying in the sun is healing people with CoVID. I don’t know what else they are doing to combat the illness, but the sun is essential for vitamin D production and UV has been proven to combat CoVID.
It is very important to reduce EMF exposure as much as possible. If you get sick AVOID ALL EMF that you can control. It's proven to facilitate the entry of calcium into the cell via voltage-gated calcium channel disruption, potentially triggering a cytokine storm. Shielding and WiFi hygiene are an essential treatment of Covid-19, do not use cell phones, WiFi enabled devices like iPads, tablets and computers etc.
AIR PURIFICATION - Clean the air in your home, school and office with NASA-inspired technology that has only recently been proven to kill CoVID-19! Testing was done at MRIGlobal, an independent, FDA-Compliant laboratory. The reduction percentages were measured incrementally over natural degradation of SARS-CoV-2. Outside of control group - over 99.9% reduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This type of air purifier, known as a photocatalytic oxidizer and made by Aerus (originally Electrolux) is in a class of it’s own. Unlike other environmental disinfectants, this one is safe for people and pets to be around and it can break down VOCs, mold, toxins, mycotoxins and other contaminants. It is currently used in hospitals, museums, hotels, professional sports athletic facilities, doctor’s offices, at the Liberty Bell, and the Ground Zero Museum among many other places. Some schools are even beginning to use this technology, and if I had children in school, I would be meeting with the board to get this technology approved! We personally use these products in our home and can’t be without them!
IMPORTANT - It has been reported that Colloidal silver is ineffective with CoVID according to testing! It’s common to reach for silver during illness, so I thought it was important to mention this. Although it tests poorly in killing CoVID directly, silver has many immune-supportive qualities that might support the body’s ability to fight viruses.If you would like access to Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine (both can be used for prevention and acute illness) this link and this link will connect you with doctors who will book a telehealth appointment with you for a prescription.
Want to BLOCK SPIKE PROTEINS from either the virus, shedding or the vaccinations?
This study suggests dandelion leaf tincture can block the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2. I like this alcohol-free brand which is organic, third party tested, non-GMO and made in the USA. In another study, NAC has resulted in threefold weakening in the binding affinity of spike protein with ACE2 receptor. If you really want to load up on some NAC, this value size bottle is worth having in the cabinet for an active family with a lot of exposure to crowds (kids in school and sports, traveling parents, etc). NAC is multipurpose, In addition to ACE2 inhibition, it serves as a precursor to glutathione and is also an anti-mucolytic. A smaller bottle can be found at Walmart.
Dr. Dimitry Katz designed the following protocol for long haulers. He calls it Niatonin, which combines the process of replenishing niacin and melatonin, together. It is important to use flush niacin, so be prepared to feel the flush when you take this nutrient. It can be startling if you don’t know what to expect. Because of the intense circulation it promotes, you will feel warm and you will flush. It can even cause minor itching, but this will only last 15-30 minutes, at most. Just don’t pop your pills on your way out the door to a meeting or before a zoom call! 😆 Your face will most likely be red for a little bit! For high dose melatonin, I recommend combining pure melatonin powder with DMSO and applying to the skin for absorption. High dose melatonin doesn’t create the sleepiness that ultra low doses cause, but I would encourage you to experiment on a day when you have nowhere to go first. It is very important to space dosing apart (by 3 hours) from the following: aspirin, apples (pectin), quercetin, antihistamines, alcohols and prescriptions.
The dosing for each is as follows according to Dr. Katz:
Flush niacin - start at lower end of the range and slowly titrate up. If you lose the ability to “flush” it’s time to move up in dose.
Baby - 25-75mg
Kid - 100-375mg
Teen - 375-750mg
Adult - 500-1500mg
Melatonin - depletion prolongs long-haulers
Baby - 1.5-5mg
Kid - 6-15mg
Teen - 9-20mg
Adult - 18-50mg
If we want control of our health, if we don't want authorities writing a prescription for medications that will ultimately become forced, we need to take responsibility for our choices. We have to prove that there is no need for the authorities to decide for us!!
Think about what you put in your body, what you surround yourself in your environment with, the things you do and think. By taking control of our own health and making better choices, we stay healthier. What happens when we stay healthier, when we are strong enough to prevent disease? We don't become part of the statistics that will drive national decisions about "health."
So here's a primer...
• Get outside if you can, move, and find joy in your life any way you can.
• Dive into your spiritual beliefs. Now more than ever, we need something more than what's on the surface. Water the seeds you wish to see grow. Practice what you want to see in this world. Do it for the greater good, believing that it will work.
• Stay present. It's amazing how remaining present can reduce fear about the future. We only have this moment. Our thoughts create our reality! Your mind doesn't know the difference between a real and perceived threat. If you don't want to be on an emotional rollercoaster, STAY PRESENT. Focus on what you are doing in this moment.
• Re-evaluate what is on the end of your fork.
• Avoid sugar, processed foods, take out, and reduce simple carbs.
• Eat organic as much as possible, and avoid GMOs which destroy essential gut bacteria while encouraging the bad bacteria to grow.
• Eat organic, grass-fed and free range meats and eggs.
• Anyone with ANY type of autoimmune disease or chronic illness should be avoiding gluten and dairy.
• Reduce alcohol intake.
• Clean with chemical free options and reduce toxins in your environment.
• Introduce beneficial bacteria into your body DAILY whether it's with a variety of fermented foods or/and a really good probiotic. FYI - powdered probiotics are only 3-70% viable once they are reconstituted in the body.
• If you DO have a condition that needs attention, consider seeking out a Functional Medicine doctor who understands BOTH conventional AND alternative practices so you can heal the root cause rather than masking it with medication that damages your organs and microbiome.
• If you have mold, begin the process of investigating it's role in your health.
• Connect with people you love and people you can relate to. Surround yourself with like-minded souls and reduce contact with those who make you feel any less than who you really are!
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a board-certified family practitioner in New York, has seen "100 percent success" treating coronavirus patients using a combination of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate."
"He shares the results of his latest study, which showed that out of his 699 patients treated, zero patients died, zero patients intubated, and four hospitalizations.
Dr. Zelenko, who goes by Zev, said the whole treatment costs only $20 over a period of 5 days with 100% success.
His recommendation for prevention:
There were multiple brands tested which had the same results
The information provided by Jessica Galligani does not diagnose, prevent, treat or cure illness or disease. Your medical doctor diagnoses and treats medical problems. The information you will receive does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine. If you have medical questions and or emergencies, you should consult your qualified health provider for medical assistance and seek treatment at your nearest emergency facility. Any information provided by Jessica Galligani does not take the place of routine medical care and evaluation by your primary care physician. All information provided is intended for general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.