Make a homeopathic remedy for any illness
This is a time of such uncertainty. Our health and stability is being threatened by a virus of unknown origins, which means no one really knows how long this uncertainty will prevail, or what kind of damage will be done in the process. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could rely on something that has instant availability at little to no cost? What if I told you there is?! 😁 This technique can be used for ANY infection from a cold, virus, bacteria, even if you have a reaction to something you ingested, whether it was bad food or water, or if your body just did not like it.
Let’s first learn a little history. Why? Because we are all being homeschooled now, aren’t we? Just kidding…well, not really. But this is to share the successes of homeopathy historically during some of the deadliest epidemics in history.
Did you know that reliable public health records from around the world have been examined by several medical experts to see what impact, if any, homeopathy had during the deadly epidemics of the past?
The main findings of this research: when homeopathy was employed during these deadly events, mortality rates were routinely very low. This constancy remains regardless of the homeopathic physician, time, place or type of epidemical disease, including diseases carrying a very high mortality rate, such as cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever, influenza and pneumonia.
Let’s look at an example...
Do you know which epidemic was humankinds’ most deadly?
The Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people died during that epidemic – the vast majority from flu complicated with pneumonia.
Fifty million…and once a person became infected – death often came swiftly... (see this brief PBS video to see more: PBS video on flu pandemic)
Yet, patients in the care of homeopaths during this epidemic fared dramatically better than those treated by ordinary physicians.
Mortality rates for flu patients working with a homeopath averaged 0.70%. For those patients suffering with flu complicated by pneumonia – the death rate averaged 3.4% or less.
The mortality rate for patients with the flu in the care of ordinary medical doctors averaged 6%, and for those with flu complicated by pneumonia – between 25% and 30%. [1]
This isn’t the only historical account of homeopathy’s success during epidemics. There are many more. [2]
In year 1873, a statistical report was presented by Dr. E. Kellogg for New York, for Philadelphia by Dr. P. Dudley, and for Boston was compiled by E. Russell. The following table is a summary of their general statistics published in [1, page 401]
Look at the Spanish flu!! 1.05% mortality rate for those being treated by homeopathy and 30% mortality rate for those being treated by allopathy as reported by Dean, Pittsburgh Hospital. I’m not suggesting the remedy I will be showing you how to make will have success rates like this, but if you get sick and you want to start the healing at home, this is a great place to start and can compliment any other treatment modalities, including medical. And who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised by it’s efficacy!!
The ER should be reserved for those who require mechanical breathing assistance. I personally have a ton of holistic solutions in my cabinets, I’m ready for an apocalypse. 😛 But what if you don’t have a collection of herbals, remedies and tinctures, and you don’t have access to the homeopathic Coronavirus nosode but you want to use something natural at the first sign of illness? There is one other solution. And you can make it in your own kitchen!
It’s an auto-nosode!
What the heck is that, right?! An auto-what? An auto-nosode. A homeopathic nosode is a remedy made from the matter of a sick human or animal. Stay with me. I know, this sounds counterproductive, but hear me out. Homeopathy functions from a principle referred to as Similia Similibus Curentur or “like cures like” which means that the proper remedy for a patient’s disease is the substance that is capable of producing, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those from which the patient suffers. It is presumed in homeopathy that the body knows what it’s doing when we get sick. And trust me, it does! Symptoms are just an indication of what the body’s innate response is to an illness. When we have a fever, the body is heating up to kill the pathogen. Mucus is an attempt to expel pathogen from the sinuses. When we are coughing, the body is expelling the pathogen from the throat. Not so great for the people around you, but very effective at eliminating microbes from the body. 😳 My point is that we actually want to encourage the body’s system of healing and that is exactly what homeopathy does. It helps regulate the body’s response to the illness.
And before you even ask, because I know this is the next question on your lips, there is no risk associated with taking a disease-oriented homeopathic remedy because the process of dilution and succussion (more on that later) renders these remedies harmless.
So if a nosode is made from the matter of a sick human or animal, an auto-nosode is a remedy made from the bodily fluid of a sick YOU! Auto = regarding oneself, nosode = remedy made from the matter of a sick human.
By creating an auto-nosode using your own saliva, nasal discharge or even urine, you are using the exact material and metabolites as a remedy. It doesn’t get more personalized than this! Why try to shoot in the dark at using remedies that might match your symptoms, state of mind and etiology when you already have all of that information stored in your bodily fluids?! It’s THE perfect remedy for you in that moment.
From a member of my private coached community, about using a urine auto-nosode:
we made one last week for my girl with her morning urine, 3 days in a row. Feeling under the weather, red bloodshot eyes, dark circles under eyes, green stools. All gone in two sleeps, because of autonosode, easier than playing the matching game with a risk of suppression. It was mild enough that I didn't want to bring my big weapons.
Another testimonial":
I wanted to share that I did the procedure you demonstrated in your video of using a persons own secretions to combat infection. She had been experiencing extreme congestion and when I did that in combination of heavy steam she was able to cough up so much and clear a lot. So thank you. I have been on absolute awe at the outcome. Her primary dr had wanted me to drive the four hours to Madison University Hospital because her symptoms were consistent to pneumonia. I have learned to treat pneumonia at home for the most part and thankfully he trusts me but our scare has of course been this covid virus. I made the decision not to take her and I watched your video after deciding no to medication this time around. She has been improving at such a drastic rate compared to other times. -Katie C.
This next testimonial was from a woman who contacted me through this blog and wondered about making an autonosode for allergies. We chatted about it for a bit and she took on the challenge with hope and dedication. This is her feedback:
For the auto nosode, as I wrote before, I was suffering from histamines and as a result the pollen was killing me. I also had this acne develop to the right of my chin that I couldn't get rid of. Anyways, after talking with you, making my auto nosode the correct way, and consulting with my homeopath, she suggested that I take the auto nosode for 5 days and then take a rest for a few days. After that, she advised me to make a new remedy going up 1C. During this time, we got a dog that was supposed to be hypoallergenic, but I was very allergic. I started at 6C and I am currently at 11C. My seasonal allergies are so much better. I can be outside without sneezing then or the next day. I am also able to be around the dog without sneezing. I can't bury my face in him and do need to was my hands but overall I am so much better. I do find in the mornings I am less tolerable of him but it gets better throughout the day. When I get a sneezing attack its usually when I 've been off the nosode for a while (sometime 5 days) and its time for me to make a new one, going up 1C. Somedays I can use the same nosode from the day before, but more often I need to make a new remedy as you suggested.
My 15 year old son also suffered from seasonal allergies and the auto nosode helped him so much. I also make it for him to help with dog allergies as well. He was at first really grossed out by the whole mucous thing but he really saw it working with me and gave it a shot.
Another amazing thing is that my acne went away. Like I said, I tried so many things but it would always come back. I battled with it for months. It has come back but so much less than before and I can get them to heal so much faster.
So I can't thank you enough Jessica for teaching me about the auto nosode. Other homeopathic remedies were not helping me and I was at a loss. I am just amazed at how much this has helped me.
Many thanks again! Cara
The process of making a remedy is actually quite simple. This is a crude method of remedy making for the sake of at-home use, but it’s not far off from the methods used by pharmacies who still make remedies by hand. You will just need a few basic supplies from around the house. Ideally using brand new 2 ounce amber dropper bottles would be best, but under the circumstances, anything will work. If you have old tincture or remedy bottles laying around, you can boil them for 20-30 minutes and recycle them. But even if you don’t have that, any small bottle will work. The most important tool in this list is actually the dropper, because that will become your measuring tool.
1 small amber dropper bottle
1 additional small bottle for your temporary sample storage
small funnel (optional)
1 tsp measuring spoon
a pen or pencil and paper for tracking your remedy potencies
Wash your hands and all the supplies.
Put a small amount of your chosen sample (saliva, mucus or urine) into a small container. When you take your sample, if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms, it would be a good idea to cough up from the lungs and even breath heavily into the container, as viral particles are expelled from the lungs as an aerosol.
Place one drop of your sample into the clean amber dropper bottle.
Add 99 drops of clean, filtered or spring water to your sample in the clean amber dropper bottle (note - I pre-measured 99 drops of water and it happens to be exactly one teaspoon. You can measure your 99 drops before starting and then just replicate that measurement as needed).
Return the cap to the amber dropper bottle and success the remedy bottle 100 times, which means to tap the bottle onto the fleshy part of your palm or a large book with force (see video below for an example of what this looks like).
Make a tally mark on your paper. This is your first potency - 1C.
To make a 2C, suck up some of your 1C remedy into the dropper.
Dump the rest of the remedy into the sink.
Put one drop of your 1C remedy back into the now empty dropper bottle and dump the rest from the dropper into the sink.
Add 99 drops of water to the amber dropper bottle with your 1C drop, replace the cap and success 100 times again.
Put a tally mark on your sheet of paper. This is now a 2C remedy.
Continue to repeat these steps until you reach your desired potency, preferably a 6C or up.
When you complete your last potency, take some of your remedy to store in another container with alcohol or glycerine so you can preserve this to use later. If you decide you’d like to make another remedy at a higher potency, you will use this to keep going with your potencies.
Add alcohol or glycerine to your amber dropper bottle and shake or success ten more times to distribute the remedy into the alcohol/glycerine. I forgot to mention this step in the video and it’s important, sorry about that! This step isn’t necessary if you are going to make a new remedy each day.**
A few drops is equal to one dose of the remedy. That’s it, you’re done!
**When you are actively sick, it’s not a bad idea to make a new remedy daily, as your illness changes shape. In this case, you wouldn’t need to preserve your remedy unless you plan to increase the potency by making more of the remedy later that day or the next day. You could quickly pull together a daily remedy (even using a plastic water bottle) and sip it all day, then make a new one the next day.
CAUTION - A urine remedy is NOT recommended if you are on any medications.
When you are using a homeopathic remedy acutely, you can dose the remedy every 15-30 minutes for 2 or 3 doses or until you see improvement, then stop and observe. Another way to dose remedies that are lower potency like this is to put a dose into a bottle of water and sip throughout the day. When you see improvement, it’s a good idea to pause and wait until you need the remedy again. Dose it as needed.
UPDATE - Yesterday, March 19th, I woke with swollen glands around my neck. It progressed to aching when I turned my head. I developed a sore throat which by evening made it painfully hard to swallow. Whatever this was felt like it was progressing fast. Throughout the day I tried all of my typical go-to treatments for a sore throat. I nebulized 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 35 drops of distilled water multiple times, I inhaled sprays of Sovereign Silver, upped my probiotics, I tried multiple homeopathic remedies at the 200C potency. I even tried a dose of lysine in case this was viral. Nothing was curbing this pain or the swollen glands, although Arsenicum Alb 200C did take the edge off of the pain slightly. I finally decided about an hour before bedtime to make a crude version of a urine autonosode remedy, which is an easy way to make a remedy that you will replace daily with a new sample. If you are making a remedy to keep around for longer than a day, I recommend the above steps, but for a quick replaceable remedy, this is sufficient. If you are actively sick with an acute illness, this is perfect, because you want to replace your sample daily so that the new information about your sickness is present in the remedy you are taking.
This is what I did:
I grabbed a small recycled glass container with a lid (you could also use an empty water bottle) and put a little of my sample in the bottle of the container and then added 90% filtered water - leaving room at the top for shaking (10% sample/90% filtered water).
Vigorously shook the container 40 times.
Poured out 90% of that mixture.
Added 90% more water and shook again 40 times.
I repeated these steps 5 times and then sip dosed from this glass probably 7 or 8 times before going to bed. Initially I took sips about 5 minutes apart, for probably 3 of the doses, then I spread it out a little more. After my first two doses, I had about 15 minutes of distinct liver pressure. I applied Sophia Flow cream on my swollen glands as I was heading to bed and by the time I laid down the pain was noticeably better, although my neck was still achy and the glands were still swollen. I woke in the middle of the night for one more dose of my remedy (which I kept bedside) and when I woke this morning, I was completely symptom free!! No pain when I swallow, my neck doesn’t hurt and my glands are down probably 95%, maybe more. So I decided to keep going and made a new remedy this morning to continue taking throughout the day today.
I’ve shared all the things I did throughout the day in case there was a delayed response to something else I used or if there was some sort of miracle combination (doubtful though), but I can say without a doubt that my sore throat immediately responded to a few sips of the autonosode, and that was after my sore throat had progressed enough to concern me! I really thought that was the start of some sort of virus and with all the talk of Coronavirus starting as a sore throat and progressing slowly, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t just a tad worried for my kids. I stayed away from them just in case, but it’s hard not to wonder how to prevent the spread of something when you are all quarantined together. I suspect they would weather it fine, but both are immune compromised which makes me a little more cautious.
The video below is a visual of the formal remedy making process
The information provided by Jessica Galligani does not diagnose, prevent, treat or cure illness or disease. Your medical doctor diagnoses and treats medical problems. The information you will receive does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine. If you have medical questions and or emergencies, you should consult your qualified health provider for medical assistance and seek treatment at your nearest emergency facility. Any information provided by Jessica Galligani does not take the place of routine medical care and evaluation by your primary care physician. All information provided is intended for general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.