true health begins by

building bridges between…




hope & achievement

intuition & trust

ideas & action


hope & achievement

Translating hope into manageable steps of action starts with information that supports your belief system and vice versa. With the structure of your core values and a foundation of knowledge, you can confidently navigate your unique journey from the slightest shimmer of hope to achievement, but there must be momentum and where does that come from? Your ability to trust the process.

intuition & trust

Knowing deep down inside there is a light at the end of the gloomy tunnel isn’t enough. Perhaps you know there is a missing piece to the recovery puzzle and your intuition has been poking at you every step of the way. You must learn to trust that you have access to the right answers within in order to move forward on this path. No one knows your family better than you! Trust yourself. That “gut feeling” known as intuition is never wrong. Tuning in also helps you tune out. There is a lot of information out there and it can get overwhelming. If you feel a tug in a particular direction, allow yourself the time and space to explore it, this is how we get from ideas to action.

ideas & action

It’s time to spark the fire that motivates action, beginning with the next right choice. Read on to join me on my own journey, because our paths have crossed for a reason. Action starts with taking the first step.


Be the change you want

to see in the world



Life is the result of a series of choices

How and what we choose says something about us and our needs, hopes, and aspirations. Without judgement or fear, we must accept and trust that we are right where we belong, that we are always in the space we’ve created for learning and growth.

As we make our choices, we are bringing all of who we are into those decisions. We will make what we may later perceive as the wrong one, but is it really?  Have you learned from making mistakes? What if we choose to see each “mistake” as the next step in our evolution rather than something that wasn’t supposed to happen? Consider the conscious shift that will take place when we begin to welcome these lessons into our lives.  This alone will change our trajectory. 

So whether you are functioning in survival mode or you are a vet at this game of life, why reinvent the wheel when I have already invented it for you?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by all the choices and you would like to join my exclusive coached community where you will have access to me directly, please use the link below.

For $17.99 per month ($24.99 for the first month), you will receive your own living journal offering step by step, interactive guidance that works in conjunction with my website. I will personally be available to guide you on this path. This warm and welcoming community will learn and share together as we customize each person’s individual path to wellness.
